Friday, April 24, 2009


Last night, I met Stephen Lewis, and attended his lecture up at UVic. For those of you who don't know Stephen Lewis, here is a link to his website: www.stephenlewisfoundation.orgWhat I have to say about him is, this man is a national treasure. He makes me proud to be a Canadian in this world. Stephen is the UN's special envoy to Africa for HIV/AIDS. This means that he is on the front lines in one of the most devestating realities to face the world today. 25 million people dead and counting. The heroisms of Grandmothers raising orphans the middle generation dead. And throughout Canada hundreds and hundreds of grandmothers standing up to support the grandmothers in Africa. Little old ladies taking over the earth, loving hands, unfailing strength. It wasn't the army of them that seized power, as imagined. It was that when it came down to it, they are who is left.

He gave an amazing speech. He talked about globalization or rather, global issues, and how we need to keep fighting, keep supporting, keep caring because without that, we are lost. He talked about the human condition, and how it seems as though the world cares more for abstract economic models that are disasters on the ground, and for politics and for conflict. He talked about the UN Food program having to cut its calorie provision to populations under seige in Sudan and Darfour. Why? Because they were short the 10 or 20 million dollars it would take to keep these people alive until the conflict is over. Not billions. Millions. The price of a few dozen Victoria homes. And in perspective, the Iraq and Afghanistan war together are costing 10 billion dollars a month.

My mother suggested that this Christmas rather than presents, she donate for each of us to an appropriate cause. She used to say she would do this when we were kids, but I think that was just an object lesson. I like this idea, hijacking the consumer glut in order to do some real good.
Sat, November 18, 2006 - 1:19 PM

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