Thursday, May 28, 2009


I think, that if I was allowed to, I could sit still and say nothing for a very very long time. I think I would be quite happy that way. My guilty secret is that when no one is around, I often turn off the music, and just enjoy the silence. My favourite days are the days I have very little interaction, and am able to sit still in the dappled sunlight of my garden, watching the ants scurrying back and forth. These days are magic. These are the days I get to just be.

This photo is by Koa.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Christaller Stride

"The street becomes a dwelling for the flâneur; he is as much at home among the facades of houses as a citizen is in his four walls. To him the shiny, enameled signs of businesses are at least as good a wall ornament as an oil painting is to the bourgeois in his salon. The walls are the desk against which he presses his notebooks; news-stands are his libraries and the terraces of cafés are the balconies from which he looks down on his household after his work is done." Walter Benjamin, 1938.

The Green Man and his Lady